Lick Your Chops Canned Lamb Dinner with Brown Rice and Carrots Dog Food

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Lamb, lamb broth, lamb liver, ocean fish, brown rice, carrots, potatoes, egg product.

Sunflower oil, guar gum, potassium chloride, brewer's yeast, kelp, salt, calcium carbonate, carrageenan, sodium ascorbate (Source of Vitamin C), choline chloride, dl-alpha tocopheryl acetate, iron amino acid chelate, iron sulfate, zinc amino acid chelate, yucca schidigera extract, selenium supplement, zinc oxide, copper sulfate, copper amino acid chelate, manganese amino acid chelate, Vitamin B-12 supplement, niacin, calcium pantothenate, Vitamin A acetate, manganous oxide, thiamine mononitrate, riboflavin supplement, pyridoxine hydrochloride, folic acid supplement, D-activated animal sterol (source of Vitamin D3), ethylene diamine dihydriodide.

Guaranteed Analysis

  • Crude Protein: Min. 8.0%
  • Crude Fat: Min. 4.0%
  • Crude Fiber: Max. 1.5%
  • Moisture: Max. 78%
  • Ash: Max. 2.0%