Greenies Teenie Grain Free Dental Dog Chews

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One GREENIES Grain-Free Dental Treat is all it takes for clean teeth, fresh breath, and a happy dog. Featuring dried potatoes, plus a delightfully chewy texture that fights plaque and tartar, your little dog can't wait to sink their teeth into these no-grain dog treats. Irresistibly tasty and incredibly powerful, GREENIES Treats for Dogs are vet-recommended for at-home oral health care. Best of all, these natural dog breath treats are made with highly soluble ingredients that are easy for small breeds to digest. Give your dog the mouth-wowing treat that helps promote their overall health with GREENIES Dog Treats. Natural Dog Treats Plus Vitamins, Minerals, and Other Nutrients.

Why We Love It

  • Contains one (1) 36 oz. 13-count pack of GREENIES Grain Free TEENIE Natural Dental Dog Treats
  • Natural Dog Treats Plus Vitamins, Minerals, and Other Nutrients

About Greenies

As loving pet owners ourselves, the health and well-being of our pets is always our top priority. That’s why we make all GREENIES™ Dental Treats with delicious, healthy ingredients that are easy to digest and help promote overall pet health. As the popularity of natural pet food continues to grow, more and more pet food manufacturers are putting the term “natural” on their product labels. We understand that there is often confusion about what the term actually means for pet food products like GREENIES™ Dental Treats.


Dried chickpeas, gelatin, glycerin, powdered cellulose, dried potato, water, lecithin, natural poultry flavor, minerals (dicalcium phosphate, calcium carbonate, potassium chloride, magnesium amino acid chelate, zinc amino acid chelate, iron amino acid chelate, copper amino acid chelate, manganese amino acid chelate, potassium iodide), choline chloride, dried apple pomace, fruit juice color, vitamins ( dl-alpha tocopherol acetate [source of vitamin E], vitamin B12 supplement, d-calcium pantothenate [vitamin B5], niacin supplement, vitamin A supplement, riboflavin supplement [vitamin B2], vitamin D3 supplement, biotin, pyridoxine hydrochloride [vitamin B6], thiamine mononitrate [vitamin B1], folic acid), turmeric color.

Guaranteed Analysis

Nutrient Guaranteed Units
Crude Protein 23% min
Crude Fat 5.5% min
Crude Fat 7% max
Crude Fiber 11% max
Moisture 15% max
Calcium 0.50% min
Phosphorus 0.40% min
Niacin 14 mg/kg